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Here you can find the installation and first-time setup instructions for Resrv.


Statamic Resrv is tested with Laravel 10.x and 11.x. It is recommended to use the latest version of Statamic 5.

A database is required. You can use SQLite for development and for production if you expect to have a low number of concurrent users. MySQL is recommended for production in most cases. Laravel 11 comes with SQLite support out of the box.


Install the package using Composer:

composer require reachweb/statamic-resrv


After you've set up your database, you need to run the migrations to create the tables:

php artisan migrate

Install script

To complete the installation, run the install script:

php artisan resrv:install

This will publish the configuration file and ask you which assets you want to publish:

Publishing configuration file

 Do you want to publish the checkout form? (yes/no):
 > yes

Publishing checkout form
Publishing checkout form blueprint

 Do you want to publish the Livewire views? (recommended) (yes/no):
 > yes

Publishing checkout views

 Do you want to publish the language files? (yes/no):
 > yes

Publishing language files

 Do you want to publish the email templates? (yes/no):
 > yes

Installation finished. Go get some reservations!

It is recommended to publish everything in order to have total control over what Resrv displays.

Where to go from here?

We suggest you follow along the docs, starting with the Core Concepts to better undestand how to use Resrv.