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Extras are delicious side dishes that you can add to your Entries, giving your users a little something extra when they make their reservations.

Managing Extras

You've probably seen this coming, but here it is: Extras are managed in the Extras section of the admin panel.

The Extras management page.
The Extras management page.

Each Extra has a name, a description, and a price. The price can be calculated in various ways:

  • Fixed: A fixed price that gets added to the total price of the reservation.

  • Per day: You charge the set amount for each day of the reservation.

  • Relative to the reservation price: You can set a multiplier that gets applied to the total reservation price to determine the price of the Extra. For example, if you set the multiplier to 1.5 and the total reservation price is 100, the Extra will cost 150.

  • Relative to a checkout form item: You can select a field in the checkout form (should be a numerical field) and calculate the price based on the value of that field. For example, if you set the field to adults and the price to 10, and the user selects 3 adults, the Extra will cost 30.

After you've created your Extras, you need to assign them to the Entries you want them to be available for. To do that, simply open the dropdown menu and select Mass assign:

The dropdown menu option to assign Extras to Entries.
The dropdown menu option to assign Extras to Entries.

Extras Field (Optional)

Besides the Extras management page, you can also add a Resrv Extras field to your Blueprint. While not necessary, it's a good idea to add this field to your Entries so that you can easily see which Extras are available for each Entry and enable or disable them.

Just note that even though the Extras field appears inside an Entry, editing an Extra through it affects it globally.

The guests of this room type can't use the gym.
The guests of this room type can't use the gym.


You can show, hide, or make an Extra required based on a number of different conditions. You can also mix and match conditions.

For example, here we only show the Late Checkout Extra if the reservation is at least 7 days long:

Extra conditions.
Extra conditions.


Even though the conditions are implemented in the backend, they are not yet available in the frontend. You can only use the Required condition at the moment when using the Livewire components.

Extras or Options?

Extras and Options are very similar, to the point that it can be a bit confusing. Let's try to clarify this.

The basic questions you need to ask yourself are:

  • Do I want this to apply to all my Entries or just one?
  • Does it have a fixed price, or does it depend on the Entry?
  • Do I need the advanced pricing options that an Extra offers?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you're probably better off using an Extra. In most cases, it's the best choice.

For example, if you offer a Transfer service to and from your hotel, the Extra allows you to quickly add it to all the room types and easily manage the price in one place.

On the other hand, let's say you rent a boat and want the user to select which cruise to book. If that cruise has a different price for each boat, and each boat has different cruises, you're better off using an Option.

In any case, feel free to skip ahead to the Options docs to learn more about them.