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Availability Search for Multiple Entries

This page explains how to allow your users to search for all available Entries for a specific date or dates.

In most modern websites, filtering a list of Entries for results should be instant and quick. With that in mind, we've decided to combine Statamic Resrv with another product of ours, Livewire Filters.

What Is Livewire Filters?

Livewire Filters is an add-on that enables you to use Livewire to create "live" filters (meaning they feel like JavaScript, no reload is needed) for your Statamic collections. It's super powerful and allows you to easily filter your entries by almost any field. You can read the docs on its website to learn more about how to use it, but for the purpose of this page, we'll just go over the basics.

To use Livewire Filters, you just need to install the addon. Statamic Resrv will detect that it exists and automatically register the extra components needed.

How to Filter Your Entries

Again, more info can be found in the Livewire Filters docs. Statamic Resrv registers an extra Livewire component called LfAvailabilityFilter. This component includes AvailabilitySearch and ties it to the LivewireCollection component that Livewire Filters provides.

A quick example would be something like this:

<div class="container mx-auto my-12 flex">
    <div class="w-96">
        {{ livewire:lf-availability-filter
    <div class="pl-12 xl:pl-16 w-full flex-shrink">
        {{ livewire-collection:rooms query_scope="resrv_search" resrv_search:resrv_availability="{ session:resrv-search }" }}


You need to to also send the session data along (the resrv_search:resrv_availability="{ session:resrv-search }" part). Even though this could have been done in the query scope itself, because of the way Livewire works, we cannot trust that the session data of the Livewire component is the same as the user's.

The LfAvailabilityFilter accepts the same properties as the AvailabilitySearch component, but it also needs a blueprint property that you need to set to collection.blueprint, as in the example above. It then uses a resrv_search query scope to filter out the entries that are not available for the selected dates.

That's all! Now all you need to do is edit your LivewireCollection view at resources/views/vendor/statamic-livewire-filters/livewire/livewire-collection.blade.php and you'll have a blazing fast "live" filtering system for your entries.

Using the Collection Tag

If you don't want to use Livewire or don't need all the extra power that Livewire Filters offer, you can always use the regular Collection Tag to list all available entries. You can still apply the same resrv-search query scope to filter out the entries that are not available for the selected dates.

A basic example would look like this:

<div class="container mx-auto my-12 flex">
    <div class="w-96">
        {{ livewire:availability-search calendar="range" live="false" :redirectTo="url" }}
    <div class="pl-12 xl:pl-16 w-full flex-shrink">
        <div class="grid grid-cols-2 gap-4 xl:gap-8">
            {{ collection:rooms as="rooms" query_scope="resrv_search" resrv_search:resrv_availability="{ session:resrv-search }" }}
                {{ if no_results }}
                    <p>No rooms are available for these dates.</p>
                {{ /if }}
                {{ rooms }}
                    <a class="bg-gray-50 rounded-lg p-8 w-full" href="{{ url }}">
                        <div class="text-xl font-bold">
                            {{ title }}
                {{ /rooms }}
            {{ /collection:rooms }}


You need to to also send the session data along (the resrv_search:resrv_availability="{ session:resrv-search }" part) here as well.

This will display an AvailabilitySearch component in the side, without live refresh. When a user clicks "Search", they will be redirected back to the same page and the resrv-search query scope will filter out any not available entries for the dates selected.

Accessing Availability Data

When an AvailabilitySearch is active, a hook is triggered that adds the availability data into each Entry so that you can use them in your templates. The data is added as an array passed through as the live_availability key of the entry.

It has the following properties:

priceThe total price of the Entry for the given dates.
original_priceThe starting price if Dynamic Pricing is active.
paymentWhat the user needs to pay to book this Entry (check the Global config for more info).
propertyThe property the above refers to in case Advanced Availability is used.
propertyLabelThe label of the above property.

When the availability data is provided, you can use them like so:

{{ collection:rooms as="rooms" query_scope="resrv_search" resrv_search:resrv_availability="{ session:resrv-search }" }}
    {{ if no_results }}
        <p>No rooms are available for these dates.</p>
    {{ /if }}
    {{ rooms }}
        <a class="bg-gray-50 rounded-lg p-8 w-full" href="{{ url }}">
            <div class="text-xl font-bold">
                {{ title }}
            {{ if live_availability }}
            <span class="text-sm text-gray-500 mt-2">
                Price: ${{ live_availability:price }}
            {{ /endif }}            
    {{ /rooms }}
{{ /collection:rooms }}


The method above works for both the Livewire Filters and the the Collection Tag component.